Michelle Clarke
3 min readJul 19, 2020

Growth is all about releasing, yet we came at it from completely the wrong angle,

the wrong energy,

the wrong mindset,

and the wrong intention.

In short, we are getting it bloody wrong! lol. Me included — I know shocker right!

So often we “call it in”,

ask for the up-level,

shout from the rooftops that we are tired of playing small already and we are ready for the damn upgrade!

You weave your magic spell and chant “bring it to me universe, I am ready biarch”!

And in that very moment, you are ready, we are ready, we damn well mean what we say.

Enough of playing small.

Enough of putting it out there for a pitifully small reward.

Down with the fear.

Up with working from flow.

And so why does it not come?????????

How dare the universe not provide for you, you asked for what you wanted in clear terms,

You came with the right intentions.

You are connected to your vision and serving from soul.

So where the actual fluff are your results?

I know you feel this, we all feel this, it is ok, you are NOT doing anything wrong, you are just backtracking a little, let me explain….

When you “call it in”, when you state your heart’s desires and create your firm goals it does not end there.

Sad I know, wouldn’t it be great if you did ‘the work’ once and then poof it landed in your lap. I am not joking, that would be awesome. However, breathing life into your vision, manifesting your goals into reality is a long game, and hear this GOOD sister, it a MIND GAME.

Yup I know you don’t want to hear it, but I am not here to tell you what you want to hear, I am here to help you grow.

If you want the results you know you deserve then you gotta step up the mind game.

There are a hundred fluffing reasons and ways that we sabotage this and it is your job to ferret those out and stay on top of your inner game. The inner game is NOT EASY and it was never supposed to be easy. If you manifested every damn thought that popped into your head like a genie instantly you would sure as hell be more careful about what you are thinking right? Think back on your last 3 thoughts. What if they were something like “OMG my arse looks big” or “my kids are such brats”??????

So what does it take to do the inner work, not as much as you think, but it does take commitment. The gals in my FemPowered Empire Building programme get that, they do the work and they get the results. And I am going to give you a taste of the inner work that we do in the group coaching in FemPowered Empire Building in the free 5 Day Reset: Sparkly, Aligned, Next Level You.

If your life is perfect right now then rock on sister, but if you are ready to up-level again and again and again, do not wait a moment longer, this free reset does not happen often and you do NOT want to miss out. PM me today and find out more.

Together we shall rise,




Michelle Clarke

Hey there, I live in beautiful NZ on a farm with my horses & dogs, hubby & teenager. I am here to bust the BS and get women showing up bravely in business.